The Holy Quran is the most sacred scripture bestowed by Allah Almighty upon his beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Syed Amir Ali Malihabadi is a Qur'anic commentator. Syed Amir Ali Malihabadi has included Israeli traditions in his "Tafsir Mohib-ur-Rehman". He warned the public that some Israʼiliyyat (اسرائیلیات) were against the Qur'an and hadith. Israeli riwayat (اسرائیلی روایات) that are against Islamic teachings have been clarified by the Qur'an, Hadith and rational arguments. "Tafsir Mohib-ur-Rehman" is included in the Syllabus of Maddaris and being taught for the last many years. Therefore, it was felt necessary to highlight some of the Israʼiliyyat (اسرائیلیات) in this commentary so that people could know their reality.