اسباب ِ نزول میں تعدد  روایات کی صورت میں صحیح سبب نزول  کے تعین کے ضابطے


The term asbab al- nuzul‏(اسباب نزول) ‏‏ is a classical phrase that names the historical context in which particular Quranic verses were revealed from the standpoint of traditional Islam. Not anglophone scholars consider it of limited use as an aid for reconstructing the Quran historicity. The study of asbab al-nuzul is a part of the study of Tafsir (تفسیر قرآن ). Taduad e rawayat (تعدد روایات ) means the a varse have many asbab al nuzul riwayat and the readers are confused to choose the right one of them. In that conduction the reader should know the principles to seclect the right asbab al nuzul. That’s the only way to avoid the Ikhtilaf e Riwayat. These principles are very helpful to control the different tafasir among the writers of tafasir (مفسر). In this way we should control the Differences in interpretation.